Kindergarten Readiness
If the adage, “Everything I needed to know, I learned in kindergarten,” is true, then parents and teachers must ensure every child who starts kindergarten is ready to learn. At Foothill we are less concerned about what a child has learned prior to kindergarten and more concerned that they are ready to learn.
Placing children in a program most suitable to their learning needs and developmental readiness is an imperative.
What options does Foothill Christian School and Preschool provide parents?
Foothill Christian School & Preschool offers four options for parents of students who are 4 and 5. Regular Kindergarten, Junior Kindergarten, Transitional Kindergarten, and a 4 year old class. These programs have always been offered at Foothill, but have been recently re-named to better align with what most people associate with the terms.
Regular kindergarten and TK are both considered early childhood education programs, but there are definitely some differences. Transitional kindergarten is intended to be a transition program that serves as a bridge between preschool and kindergarten. The curriculum in TK is modified to be more age and developmentally appropriate for younger children, while kindergarten has a more challenging academic curriculum. There are state standards for the learning goals and objectives specific for each program, but it’s fair to say that TK focuses on readiness and kindergarten begins to build upon those readiness foundations. Junior Kindergarten is very similar to a TK program but would also include children who are age-eligible for kindergarten but are looking for a bonus year of social, emotional, and/or academic development.
- Kindergarten | Elementary Campus
- Junior Kindergarten | Elementary Campus
- Transitional Kindergarten | Preschool Campus
- 4 Year Old Class | Preschool Class
Kindergarten | Elementary Campus
Junior Kindergarten | Elementary Campus
Transitional Kindergarten | Preschool Campus
4 Year Old Class | Preschool Class
Age Requirements:
Parents should work closely with their preschool teachers to help determine the best placement for their child.
Upcoming Events
Kindergarten Readiness Parent Workshop
This parent meeting takes place every September and teaches you top 10 ways to prepare your child for kindergarten and elementary learning!
Check out this previously recorded video and handouts below:
Kindergarten Readiness Workshop
Kindergarten Readiness Resources
Enrollment Questions?
For questions about Kindergarten or Jr. K enrollment please contact Admissions Director, Suzy Esquivel, at:
For questions about TK or the 4 Year Old Classes at the preschool contact, Preschool Admissions Coordinatr, Nora Guerra, at: