
Elementary Art
In the FCS art program students are taught how to distinguish between the elements and principles of visual design in order to know how to form and express ideas through art. It is important that young Art students can demonstrate basic knowledge and skills in creating works of visual art using problem solving, observing, designing, sketching, and constructing techniques. Students will work with watercolor, acrylic, pastels, crayons, collage, print work and other expressive mediums. It is important that students not only learn to appreciate various types of art and historical periods, but also learn to be proud of the work that they personally create. God is the ultimate creator and made us in his creative image, the beauty of his handiwork is all around us. Art happens when students visually explore and express who they are, share their emotions and feelings visually and share with others the gift of creativity that God has blessed them with.
Junior High Art
At the junior high level art students can understand more completely how to use the elements of design (line, space, shape, mass, color, texture, pattern) and principles of design (unity, variety, emphasis, balance, rhythm, proportion and scale) to express ideas. They will learn about different artists in history and the different art mediums and styles used. The study of Art History is important for students as they discover that they are connected to an ancient form of non-verbal expression. Students will become more developed at demonstrating knowledge and skills to create works of visual art using problem solving, observing, designing, sketching, and constructing techniques. Students have opportunities to share their own works of art not only with their school, but sometimes with their community. At the junior high level students have the opportunity to explore more advanced techniques in watercolor, acrylic, pastels, crayons, collage, print work and other mediums.