The Exhibit
One School's Response: Bias. Bigotry. Bullying.
In 2017 Foothill Christian School introduced a 3-day art exhibit that served as a way for Foothill to stand out in the community as a leader and navigator of youth culture. With so many issues plaguing our society, we believed that Foothill could not stay silent. In 2020, the exhibit made its' return, hosted at Western Christian High School. This platform gave us the ability to speak out against injustice and hate and be a shining example of what it looks like to "love our neighbor." Although there are many ways to approach this topic, this was one school's response.
To learn more about the exhibit and see photos/videos, click here!
Your tuition dollars cover 100 percent of the actual cost per student. Tuition, however, does not provide needed funding for school improvement projects that are needed to enhance our program for the kids. The Annual Fund provides much needed funding for academics, athletics, campus improvements and promoting Christian values.
- The projects supported through the Annual Fund aren't truly optional. They are necessary to maintain the quality we expect for our children. Rather than charge higher tuition—which some schools opt to do--we choose to accomplish these goals through tax deductible donations.
- The Annual Fund replaced the need for many small fundraisers, like candy, cookie dough, and gift wrapping paper sales. Specific projects and identified needs are easily supported by through the convenience of PayPal, ACH, Visa/MC, and American Express.
- A growing number of families increase their giving potential through company match programs offered by many employers, such as Edison International, Wells Fargo, Northrop-Grumman, 3-M Corp., and Johnson and Johnson. These and other employers will meet a percentage of the gift and match it entirely.
- Many families support the Annual Fund through the United Way. Foothill Christian School is an approved charity of United Way (Account No. 22570).
Won’t you please prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible gift to Foothill Christian School's Annual Fund today? Your gift is an endorsement of our mission and will assist us in growing this school that seeks to glorify God.